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5 PhD positions Brain & Music in France & Belgium

Dear colleagues,

The note below comes from Séverine Samson in Paris.

Ani Patel

Aniruddh D. Patel, Ph.D.
Esther J. Burnham Senior Fellow
The Neurosciences Institute
10640 John Jay Hopkins Drive
San Diego, CA 92121

>From Séverine Samson:

We are still looking for 5 PhDs for our European Project on Brain and Music.

The conditions are excellent and the consortium is very exciting. For
details on project, application and eligibility criteria:

The PhD project that I propose involves fMRI and behavioural studies
(and/or possibly depth EEG recordings) in patients with temporal lobe
epilepsy. It will be
carried out at La Salpetrière Hospital (Epilepsy Unit and Centre for
Research-CENIR) in Paris.

Séverine SAMSON (Ph.D)
Professeur Institut Universitaire de France Equipe Neuropsychologie et
Auditive Labo de Neurosciences Fonctionnelles et Pathologies CNRS-FRE3291
UFR de
Psychologie Université de Lille - Nord de France Pont de Bois - BP 60149
F-59 653 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex FRANCE

Tel : +33 3 20 41 64 43
Fax : +33 3 20 41 63 24

