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From Bob Carlyon: Senior Research-only position in Cambridge

Message below from Bob Carlyon regarding a senior research position at the MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit.



Dear all,


The MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit is a world-leading research establishment. We have recently advertised a position at the Programme Leader or Programme Leader Track level.

Such positions provide the opportunity for someone with a strong track record to conduct research full time and come with the resources needed to carry that research out. Further details are available here




It is expected that the successful applicant’s research will fall within one of the Unit’s four research groups. The Hearing and Language group is one of these and consists of the programmes led by Matt Davis ( http://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/people/matt.davis/ ) and by myself. Information on hearing research at the CBU and elsewhere  in Cambridge can be found here: http://www-hearing-research.eng.cam.ac.uk/Main/WebHome


If you are interested please let me know. I would expect that if we appoint someone with an auditory interest, that it would be someone whose research complements rather than replicates what Matt and I do.







Dr. Bob Carlyon

Deputy Director

MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit

15 Chaucer Rd.

Cambridge CB2 7EF


Tel: +44 (0)1223 355294

Fax: +44 (0)1223 359062


See also the

Cambridge Hearing Group