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[AUDITORY] Virtual Audiology Education Tools - Survey


If your institution has an audiology, communications sciences and disorders, or speech-language-hearing sciences program, we are pleased to invite your faculty and students to participate in a survey regarding the use of virtual tools in audiology education. 

Please feel free to distribute the attached flyer, which includes a link to the short survey (<5 minutes), to faculty and students in your department. If you have any questions about participation, don't hesitate to get in touch (adam.svec@xxxxxxxx).

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Adam Svec, Ph.D., Au.D., CCC-A (Principal Investigator)
Shae Morgan, Ph.D., Au.D., CCC-A
Adam Svec, Ph.D., Au.D., CCC-A
Assistant Professor
Department of Audiology
College of Health and Human Sciences
One Washington Square
San José State University
San José, CA 95192

Attachment: Recruitment flyer_VAET_Svec and Morgan 2021.docx
Description: MS-Word 2007 document