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[AUDITORY] ICASSP 2022 Acoustic Echo Cancellation Grand Challenge

We are pleased to announce the ICASSP 2022 Acoustic Echo Cancellation Grand Challenge. Details of the challenge are at:




A challenge paper with more details is at:



The top level changes are:


  1. As this is a Grand Challenge, papers will be submitted via CMT and reviewed by the AEC Challenge Organizers.
  2. The dataset has increased from 5,000 devices and environments to 7,500 to provide additional training data.
  3. Mobile phone scenarios are now included, which are an important area that is even more challenging than desktop or notebook computers.
  4. The Microsoft Speech Recognizer's Word Acceptance rate (WAcc) is used as a metric in challenge, as many scenarios include speech recognition and the AEC should not degrade WAcc.
  5. The test sets are now 48 kHz, which is an important requirement for many scenarios.


AEC Challenge Organizers