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[AUDITORY] Winter School on Psychoacoustics at Aalborg University (DK)

A Winter School on Advanced Psychoacoustics: Theory, Practice, and Modeling will be held 6th Dec. 2021 – 10th Dec. 2021 at Aalborg University. The school is organized as a part the EU Marie S. Curie SOUNDS project: https://www.sounds-etn.eu


The Winter school will be in a hybrid format. In particular, all lectures, exercises and demos will take place physically at Aalborg University. In addition, it will be possible to attend the lectures online via Zoom. The lab demos will not be accessible online. 


The program will cover topics such as basic and advanced psychoacoustics, hearing impairment, computational auditory models, sound quality evaluation, speech intelligibility, and listening effort. A link to the full program can be found here: https://www.sounds-etn.eu/index.php/1st-seasonal-school


Participants must register via Moodle and you need to have a profile – if you don’t have a profile, you should make one, here https://phd.moodle.aau.dk/login/index.php  


Then register to Winter School through

Dashboard / CoursesThe Technical Doctoral School of IT and Design (2021) / Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2021) / Winter School on Psychoacoustics/


Please note that the number of physical seats is limited to 45 participants and the number of online participants is limited to 50.




Søren Bech

Director Research, Professor

Bang & Olufsen a/s

Bang and Olufsen Allé 1

7600 Struer


Mobile: +4530930243

Email: sbe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and sbe@xxxxxxxxxx