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[AUDITORY] Call for Papers: TISMIR Special Collection on Cultural Diversity in MIR

Dear List,

Call for Papers: Special Collection on Cultural Diversity in MIR

Guest Editors:

ZHIYAO DUAN. Associate Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Computer Science and Data Science, University of Rochester, USA.
PETER VAN KRANENBURG. Scientific Researcher at the KNAW Meertens
Institute (Amsterdam), Lecturer at Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
JUHAN NAM. Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Culture
Technology at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
(KAIST), Korea.
PREETI RAO. Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in Mumbai, India.

This special collection will focus on cultural diversity in Music
Information Retrieval (MIR) research. Music is often considered a
universal language, yet different cultures have created diverse music
traditions. This cultural diversity obviously has implications for MIR
research. There is a growing awareness within the MIR community that
both the music as a signal, and the user as an enculturated listener
cannot be fully understood without taking this diversity into account.
This requires approaches that abstract away from features that often are
taken for granted in MIR studies, e.g., the Western tonal system, or
certain perceptions of music. Music has different meanings for different
people. By incorporating this diversity in MIR models, we will be able
to make more meaningful tools and applications for a wider range of

We welcome contributions that present cross-cultural studies, or address
non-Western music as well as any other types of music and musical
activities that are underrepresented in the ISMIR community, or that
explicitly focus on cultural contexts of both music and users.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

	* Modelling non-Western musical instruments and their repertoires
	* Music generation studies, including modelling of improvisation
	* User studies with a focus on cultural backgrounds
	* Automatic music transcription
	* Accessibility of musical archives
	* Preservation of musical heritage
	* Computational ethnomusicology
	* Educational applications
	* Methodological implications
	* Diversity in music recommendation systems
	* Features for cross-cultural modelling of music


Please, submit through https://transactions.ismir.net, and note in your
cover letter that your paper is intended to be part of this Special
Collection on Cultural Diversity in MIR.

Submissions should adhere to formatting guidelines of the TISMIR
journal: https://transactions.ismir.net/about/submissions/
Specifically, articles must not be longer than 8,000 words in length,
including referencing, citation and notes.

Please also note that if the paper extends or combines the authors'
previously published research, it is expected that there is a
significant novel contribution in the submission (as a rule of thumb, we
would expect at least 50% of the underlying work - the ideas, concepts,
methods, results, analysis and discussion - to be new).


Submission deadline: April 4, 2022
1st round of reviews finished: June 4, 2022
Resubmission deadline (if revisions are necessary): August 4, 2022

We expect all accepted papers to be published by the end of 2022.

Zhiyao, Peter, Juhan, and Preeti