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Re: Stream segregation

Try the model by Sue McCabe (Plymouth, GB):
Sue McCabe <suem@soc.plym.ac.uk>

It's a very nice and pretty successful model.

        Pierre Divenyi

At 09:38 AM 3/4/99 -0500, David Temperley wrote:
>I'm looking around for computational models of musical stream segregation.
>Specifically, I'm looking for systems that can take the notes of a piece
>(as in a MIDI file, for example) and group them into contrapuntal lines.
>(So I'm interested in what Bregman calls "sequential integration" -- NOT
>simultaneous integration, i.e., grouping of partials into notes.) Does
>anyone know of any such models?
>Thanks -
>                                David Temperley

>David Temperley
>Lecturer in Music Theory
>School of Music            home: 614-299-2308
>Weigel Hall              office: 614-292-7321
>Ohio State University     temperley.1@osu.edu
>Columbus, OH 43201