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SANE 2013 - Speech and Audio in the Northeast 2013 (October 24, 2013; Columbia University, New-York, NY)

[Apologies for cross-posting]

SANE 2013, a one-day event gathering researchers and students in speech
and audio from the Northeast of the American continent, will be held on
Thursday October 24, 2013 at Columbia University, in New York City.

A follow-up to the event held in October 2012 at MERL in Cambridge, MA,
this year's SANE will be held directly following IEEE WASPAA (which will
occur on October 20-23 in New Paltz, NY).
WASPAA attendees are welcome and encouraged to attend SANE.

SANE 2013 will feature invited speakers both from the Northeast and from
the international community. It will also feature a lively poster session during
lunch time, open to both students and researchers.


-- Speakers --

    Yann Lecun (NYU)  --  "Learning Acoustic (and Visual) Feature Hierarchies"
    Hank Liao (Google Research, NYC)  --  "Google-Scale Speech Recognition"
    Jort Gemmeke (KU Leuven)  --  "Compositional Models for Self-Taught Vocal Interfaces"
    Mark Plumbley (Queen Mary University of London)  --  "Making Sense of Sounds"
    Brian Kingsbury (IBM Research)  --  "Keyword Search in Many Languages"
    Jonathan Le Roux (MERL)  --  "Extracting Speech from Clutter Using Dynamical Graphical Models"

-- Poster Session --

If you would like to submit a poster, please send an email to poster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
with a brief abstract describing what you plan to present.
Poster submission deadline has passed, but we will still be accepting submissions for
another week.

-- Registration --

Registration is free but required.
We can only accommodate a limited number of participants, so we encourage those
interested in attending this event to register as soon as possible by sending an email
to rsvp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with your name and affiliation.

-- Directions --

The workshop will be held in the Schapiro CEPSR building of the Columbia University
School of Engineering and Applied Science, in New York City, NY.


Please feel free to forward this announcement to appropriate groups or mailing lists.

We look forward to seeing you there!

The organizers,
Dan Ellis (Columbia)
Jonathan Le Roux (MERL)
John R. Hershey (MERL)

Jonathan Le Roux <Jonathan.Le-Roux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Member Research Staff
MERL - Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
201 Broadway, 8th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139
Tel.: +1-617-621-7547  Fax: +1-617-621-7550