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[AUDITORY] New data challenge: “Few-shot Bioacoustic Event Detection” at DCASE 2021

Dear all,

Today we are announcing a new challenge in sound detection: "Few-shot bioacoustic event detection", just launched as a part of the DCASE 2021 challenges.

** The core idea: given only 5 examples of an animal call, can a system reliably detect that call type? **

Thanks to many collaborators, we publish new datasets, source code for 2 baseline systems (template matching and deep learning), and full information at:



* 1st March: tasks and training data released
* 1st June: evaluation data released
* 15th June: deadline for submissions
* 1st July: challenge results

Please forward this to your students, colleagues - and anyone who might be able to help in the mission to create reliable detection of animal sounds!

Best wishes,
Dan Stowell
on behalf of the organising team

Dan Stowell
Associate Professor of AI & Biodiversity
* Tilburg University https://csai.nl/
* Naturalis Biodiversity Centre http://naturalis.nl/
* Jheronimus Academy of Data Sciences https://www.jads.nl/
* Queen Mary University of London http://machine-listening.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/
